Areas of Practice
the professional ATHLETE
The world of healing is ever growing, ever evolving, and we’re not just talking about trends. We take pride in offering the most precise whole body healing, as it relates to local symptomatology experienced by professionals. We help our clients negotiate chronic pain and bio-mechanical limitations because our treatments integrate whole body compensations to the malfunction. Most of the time, when a pain is not acquiescing to standard treatment it is tethered to other areas of the body. Unless those distant areas are healed, the local pain and bio-mechanical weakness will persist. Getting to the level of a professional athlete is hard enough. Removing the anchors within our body helps us reach our potential.
reversing degeneration, getting younger as you age
Neurologically, once our nervous system matures, we are at our core, the same person we have always been. Many people that are older still feel young inside, but the physical and emotional expression of that youth is dampened by our body’s selected adaptation and protection to the outside world. These adaptions are just a normal response to perceived outside threats. The body doesn’t want to go through the same traumas again, so it learns and protects itself so it is ready for a similar threat in the future. Most of the time those protections are not needed, but the body keeps itself ready just in case, by staying tight, staying ready. One of the main ways to express youth is to get these tight muscles at our core to relax. Then,, very simply, the youth inside can express itself. Pretty simple.
reuniting with the Self
Deep within all of us, there is something existential that we know to be ourselves. it is something, almost indescribable, that we have know to be with us and part of who we are, ever since we were young children. Maintaining integrity with this mysterious something is essential to who we are. It is an inseparable part of our being. The more connected we are to this essence of who we are, the more vitality, creativity, ease, joy and health we enjoy. Life has a tendency to obscure this part of us. Emotional and physical trauma cause the body to protect itself and these protections build up over time, creating layer upon layer of protection, adaptation and muscle spasm. As these layers build the inner self becomes more and more distant. We start shutting the door to who we are, shutting us out from connecting to our Self. We specialize in helping the body remove these barriers to the Self. By the reduction of muscle spasm and revitalizing the nervous system, we allow the body to heal and reconnect to the joy and peace and presence of the essential self at the core of who we are. We are all gods; most of the time though, we just cant feel it.
healing at the core of our being
Our body heals itself from the inside out. And when we are talking about the inside, we are referring to the deepest part of our being, our core. And when we are referring to the core we must make reference to the Self. Experience as a healer gives a rarefied perspective about this “core”. It is a very subtle morphogenic field that gives rise to the expression of the physical and emotional being. An unbalanced expression of the Self shows itself in emotional and physical blockages, pain patterns and bio-mechanical dysfunction. Chemical imbalances can also be attributed to the misalignment with our Core. Among the general population we can see this in most of the human population. Very few of us are at our potential. We have so much potential in our health bank account. It is just a mater of accessing those potentials by simply removing blockages. The real trick is find those deep blockages. That is our job.
Demystifying why our bodies tend to retain similar patterns of response and held emotional states requires an understanding of how the body and the emotional brain interact. Very simply the limbic system, the emotional brain, releases neuropeptides in response to an emotional thought or event. These neuropeptides create a feeling that is both felt in the brain and sensed in the body. Spinal positioning also creates stereotypical emotional responses. The dorsal horn of the spinal cord is the other place from which these emotional neuropeptides are released. So a chronic pattern of spinal malposition also gives rise typical emotional responses associated with those emtional patterns. Therefore the held tension in the spine is reflective of the totality of the emotions we feel. This biases all our interactions with the world. This means emotions are both held in our body and in our brain. So moving out of negative emotional patterns require us to both address what is stored in the body as well as what is stored in the body. That we desire a change in our emotions is not enough. We must address the body activity that stores the emotional patterns as well. At the end of the day, its very difficult to think your troubles away. You have to get your spine taken care of as well.
body/mind cure
The term body/mind, is a term frequently heard in the land of the esoterica. But when we hear the term Body/Mind what are we really talking about? In deference to Descartes, there is no dualism of mind and body. We have a brain, we have a body and together they form what we could call the mind. Both neurologically and physiologically, from neuropeptides to hormones, the body/mind is a very interconnected being. The blood carries chemicals that effect the mind and the body, both from the same chemicals. The micorbiome in our gut, has long reaching emotional effects on our brain. Our brain, by holding old emotional patterns, effects the organs and tensions of the muscles in our body. The important point of the intersection of the body and the mind is this. If we can effect the neurology controlling the tension in the body and if we can effect the neurology controlling the physiology of the body, we are able to effect the entirety of the whole being. We are able to interrupt stuck patterns, and change stereotypical responses in the the emotional brain and in the body. We can change, evolve and become closer to our true self, to our potential. We can help with this process. That is our specialty.
immune system overhaul
A healthy immune system requires a flexible and balanced nervous system. A healthy immune system also requires a strong and balanced symbiotic intestinal microbiome. Without the nervous system regulating the distinction of self from non-self, the body will attack itself and the result will be autoimmune disease. Without a healthy microbiome in the intestinal tract, the body resides in a state of chronic inflammation. Where there is chronic inflammation, there is an overreaction by the body’s immune system to all challenges. The dance between the nervous system regulating the microbiome, and the food we feed our friendly gut bugs, is what establishes a well functioning immune system. By design, we can reestablish a healthy gut microbiome. By design , we can reestablish a healthy well functioning immune system. Together, a healthy gut and a healthy nervous system revitalize our immune system, so that many of the immune difficulties that we face heal of their own accord.
chronic pain means you are stuck
What is chronic pain? Chronic pain is a body and brain that is stuck in a pattern. A pattern of response and a pattern of being. Pain is the body’s attempt to heal an area of itself. Pain is a form of awareness. Whenever the body is prompted to heal itself some sort of internal awareness is involve. In most cases this awareness is in the form of discomfort and or pain. Most of the time when we are in pain the immediate response is to want to get rid of the pain. The best approach is to work through the pain. To let our body really dive into the area(s) of pain and let the intelligence of the body decipher and heal the area of pain. The pain we experience is part of a whole body pattern. A pattern that has so many aspects. Our brain, by itself, is overwhelmed by the project. Most of us need assistance deciphering these patterns. That is what we do. Helping your entire body, via the central nervous, heal these pains and dissolve these patterns. The nervous system controls and co-ordinates the healing of the whole being. By fine tuning the spinal and craniosacral system, the nervous system has more clarity to heal dis-ease and body dysfunction.
we are much more than our genetics
The human body is an ecosystem. There are 10 times as many microbial cells in and on the human body than there are human cells. Much like a forest, the human body is a mix of living organisms. These organisms known as microbes include bacteria, viruses and fungi. These organisms live on our skin, nose, in our cells and most importantly, in our gut. They have evolved with us through all of our human evolution. Supporting us, themselves and the entire ecosystem of the body, these organisms are part of who we are, both mentally and physically. And just like any ecosystem, support of all the elements of that system, keeps the system strong and vital. The microbes that live in the gut are particularly important. These organisms give the body genetic fortitude and complexity, that supports the entire organism through a vast complexity of genetic variability to help the entire body survive and thrive with a strength way beyond what our personal genetics provide. But unless we support the symbiotic organisms in our gut in particularly, these microbiomes becomes less symbiotic and more parasitical. Then our genetic variability and strength wanes and we become susceptible to more disease and mental and emotional weakness. There are ways to strengthen the friendly microbes of our ecosystem and allow our beings to thrive. We can help you here.