Healing you humans for over 35 years now.
Headquartered in Arcata Northern California with a satellite office in the Rigel star system. Dr. Winkler DC works with clients on both planets. Our office specializes in creating a clear and aligned spine, from the super sick to the nearly enlightened. Whether you’re a musician, dancer, engineer, housewife or professional basketball player, we will not only heal you, but we’ll also help you thrive and connect to the world. We bring extensive experience and professionalism to every case and customize our support to your individual needs and concerns. Just remember this. Most of the people you see walking or barely walking around with their pains and so called diseases are not in a life lone sentence for these problems. The body, given the appropriate alignment, nutrition and lifestyle tends to heal itself. Our body’s tend to default to a healing mode when given the opportunity. If you have tried “everything” and you are still not getting better, then you haven’t tried everything.
Doctor Scott Winkler has been practicing for over 3 decades and started with the typical chiropractic practice in 1985 and the practice quickly evolved . We’re on the pulse of modern neurological therapeutics and quantum field dynamics, and have monitored their evolution to inform our own approaches—all to give you exceptional service that will heal your body for years to come.
Get in touch with us to set up an initial consultation and spinal diagnostic exam or use the contact form at the bottom of this page to inquire whether our services are right for you. Our initial examination and consultation is no charge. It is only fair.
“These pains you feel are messengers. Listen to them.”
1085 I St.
Arcata CA 95519
(707) 822-1676
Areas of Practice
Deep Core spinal optimization
A sound spine is imperative optimal health. Deep spinal health is not something comes easily when we are working with ourselves. Releasing constricted muscles intimate to the spine is a work for professionals. The spinal muscles at its deepest are controlled deep within the brainstem. Very few humans can release these muscles and allow the spine and the neurology to work optimally; maybe enlightened beings can do this… With proper care you can have a spine reflective of deep healing available that comes from within your being.
chronic pain
Demystifying chronic pain is quite simply once we understand how the body works When we are in a state of chronic pain we are stuck. We are stuck both emotionally and physically. At the end of the day, chronic pain is a whole body state, like our feet are stuck in quicksand. Emotionally and physically we have not moved past perceptions of reality that have served us in the past. For what its worth, these truths are profoundly personal. That’s why only we can make the choice to move past these obstacles. When you make that choice, we can help. We can help release stuck patterns in the body that get us up and running again. Consider this; do it!
Human Microbiome
A healthy human microbiome is imperative to our health. We can survive without a healthy microbiome, but that is like surviving without a healthy liver. Why would we want to do that? The human microbiome, particularly in the gut, provides so many benefits for our system. From emotional balance, to metabolic integrity, to anti-aging effects, immunological coherency and anti-inflammatory solidity. We can all benefit from a positive change in our microbiome, and these changes will richly reward us.
BIO-MECHANICAL professional athletics POTENTIAL
Many professional athletes get the best physical therapy, core athletic training and medical service available. Unfortunately, most of the high end services provided to professional athlete is restricted to the realm of a mechanical, local diagnosis. We give you a holistic approach. One that gives your body the best possibility to recover and reach your potential. And for athletes near the end of their career we can give you the potential to play at a level near that of your youth. Don’t be fooled by the status quo. There are methodologies that effectively bring our body back to youth by helping us shed the dross from the past. Free consultation … but you have to take it.
Nutritional and cellular repair
One of the fastest ways for us change ourselves for the better is to change the “oil” in our system. When our body is bathed in a biochemical bath of clean, balanced, supportive nutrients, our cells and our system can repair itself remarkably fast and remarkably well. When we change our food intake to match the needs of a body in health, the body dives head first into healing. The body likes to heal. It likes to repair itself. This power that grew you up from a little child has not abandoned you, as long as you don’t abandon it.
deep body/mind healing
The human being is a deep and complexly dynamic system. It is more than just a bio-mechanical machine. There are more atoms in each cell in the body than stars in the universe. There is a vast complexity to who we are. The body and the mind are deeply connected via nerves, via hormones, via neuropeptides, via musculature. Sorting out this complexity has been our goal for the last 35 years. We try to make sense of this enormity to decipher the most significant aspects salient to your health. By understanding the interrelationship between the body and the mind we are able to tease out our restrictions and clear space so the complexity of the being can come to an essential balance. Both in mind and body. Trust us, this is not easy.
“You were born with wings, why prefer to crawl through life?”
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